Procedure to Capture ASK/FSK Signals Using the Oscilloscope

This article describes how to set up the GRL-C3-TPT Tester and Tektronix High-Performance Real-Time Oscilloscope to capture the ASK/FSK signals in the manual mode.

Minimum scope configurations: 

Sample rate – 500MS/s

Record length – 50M

80ms capture

Supported Tektronix scope models:

DPO 7000 

MSO 5204

MSO54B 5-BW-350


MSO44 4-BW-350



1. Connect the TRIG1 and TRIG2 test points to the scope channel-1 and channel-2 respectively as shown in the images below.

Note: User can connect to any scope channels. It is not mandatory to connect to channels 1 and 2 only.

2. Make sure the scope is set up according to the minimum configurations as listed above.


3. Execute any test case in the GRL-C3-TPT Browser App and capture the ASK and FSK signals.

Note: Make sure the Trigger source and voltage are set according to the image in step 2 above before running tests.

4. Analyze the FSK signal which is captured using the TRIG1 test point and ASK signal which is captured using the TRIG2 test point.