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  3. GRL-USB-PD-C2 / C2-EPR Automation Test Browser Application

How to Measure Bit Rate


The bit rate measurement is used to verify that the DUT transmitted data meets the BitRate requirements.


  1. Load the TEST.PD.PHY.ALL.1 test case HSADC file into the GRL-USB-PD-C2 / C2-EPR Browser Application as shown in the following example:
  2. To calculate the Bitrate, zoom in to the UUT BIST_CM2_Response. As seen in the example below, the zoomed part is a single bit and the duration is 0.00303 mS.

  3. Here, BitRate can be calculated as 1 / fBitRate.

    For example: 1 / 0.00303 = 303.03 kbps limit is [ 270 - 330 kbps ]

    The BitRate is measured for all the Bits in the message and the average value should be within the limit.