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Bus Idle Test Case Trace Verification with GRL-USB-PD-C2 / C2-EPR


For the PHY.ALL.4 test case, the GoodCRC will be received with the injected noise, and with the presence of noise it is difficult to decode the GoodCRC for the marginal cases. 

Thus for the marginal case, the user needs to load the "HSADC.grltrace" file to check the GoodCRC. If the noise injected GoodCRC is present in the waveform the test result can be considered as PASS. 

Steps to load the trace file into the GRL-USB-PD-C2 / C2-EPR Browser Application:

  1. In the GRL-USB-PD-C2 / C2-EPR Browser Application, go to the Results tab and select the load trace file option.

    Result tab

  2. Load the PHY.ALL.4 test case HSADC file which is available inside the test case folder. 
    HSADC path
  3. Once the trace file is loaded, the user will be able to view the waveform in the Results tab. The user can zoom in to the waveform and check whether the Noise Injected GoodCRC is present or not.  
    • If the Noise Injected GoodCRC is Not Present, it is a true failure from the DUT, as shown in the following example:

    • If the Noise Injected GoodCRC is Present, then the test result can be considered as PASS